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5-Year Clinician Scientist Radiology Residency


The 5-Year Clinician-Scientist pathway offers 3 spots per year and is designed to train the future generation of radiology clinician-scientists who push the limits of radiology and position themselves for a prestigious career in academic radiology. The program comprises one year dedicated to research (PGY-2) and 4 subsequent years of clinical radiology (see 4-Year Diagnostic Radiology Residency) during which 6 weeks of protected research time are incorporated each year.

The program is supported in part by an NIH T32 training grant and allows residents to work with world-renowned investigators in all fields of imaging science to select a project that will best meet their research and career goals. Residents are provided with support and guidance as they engage in cutting-edge research that will ultimately shape the future of diagnostic imaging. Publication and participation in radiology conferences and society meetings are encouraged and funded fully by the department for presenting authors. There are no clinical obligations during the first year, and the salary is commensurate with that of the clinical PGY-2 position.

Only U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals, and permanent U.S. residents may be appointed to a T32.

Departmental research facilities include:

  • Canon 3T MR unit under the directorship of Mitsue Miyazaki, renowned MR scientist, for basic and applied research
  • Keck Functional MRI Center, with four dedicated research magnets for both animal and human studies
  • Radiology Imaging Laboratory (RIL), which houses the MEG program (under the direction of Dr. Roland Lee) and a 1.5T magnet
  • Small Animal Imaging Resource at the Moores Cancer Center, which houses MRI, PET, planar scintigraphy, CT, ultrasound, and a time-domain optical rodent imaging system, as well as radiochemistry and radiolabeling
  • Contrast media and molecular imaging laboratories
  • 3T MRIs of the Center for Translational Imaging and Precision Medicine (CTIPM), including magnets housed in ACTRI and the Keck Functional MRI Center.
  • Cardiac CTA-capable Spectral Revolution 256 and Canon 320 CT scanners.

We are continually updating our magnets, scanners, angiography suites, and other clinical imaging facilities to remain at the forefront of imaging technology and research.

Program Directors

Albert Hsiao, MD, PhD
Five-Year Clinician-Scientist Residency Program Co-Director
Associate Professor, In- Residence

Eric Chang, MD
Five-Year Clinician-Scientist Residency Program Co-Director
Adjunct Professor, Radiology

Meet Our T32 Chief Residents

Alexandra Besser, MD, PhD Dustin Brown, MD, PhD Tyler Mandt, MD Click on their profiles to see all their exciting research accomplishments!


The Clinician-Scientist pathway is a 5-year program with the PGY-2 year dedicated completely to research. There are no clinical duties during this year to allow for focus on designing and implementing a substantive research project. The subsequent 4 years follow the diagnostic pathway curriculum, integrating 6 weeks per year of protected research time. Learn more about the diagnostic radiology curriculum.