Diversity in Radiology

UC San Diego Women in Radiology
The Women in Radiology Group at UC San Diego Radiology was established by the residents and faculty to provide camaraderie and informal mentorship for female medical students, trainees and faculty. The group strives to strengthen discussion, improve collaboration and create a sense of community among women radiologists through social gatherings and discussions on inclusion, careers in medicine, and recruitment of more women to radiology.
Outreach Programs
Residents are involved in both international outreach programs as well as local outreach programs to help improve radiology access in underserved populations.
- UC San Diego RAD-AID Chapter: Chapter Chief, Victoria Vuong, MD ScM
- American Medical Women's Association
- American College of Radiology (ACR) Commission for Women & Diversity
- Society of Interventional Radiology Diversity & Inclusiveness
- The Society for Pediatric Radiology Committee on Diversity & Inclusion
- Society of Advanced Abdominal Imaging
- Society of Breast Imaging Diversity & Inclusion