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Department of Radiology Department of Radiology

Resident & Medical Student Opportunities and Resources


All programs pending availability due to COVID-19 pandemic.

UC San Diego Free Clinic - Radiology Free Ultrasound Clinic

The Radiology department provides free ultrasound examinations during this medical student-run free clinic on the first Wednesday of every month. Medical students shadow and learn from our Radiology residents and ultrasound technologists and practice ultrasound scanning techniques while serving the community.

us-clinic.jpeg us-clinic2.jpeg

RISE (Residents In Solidarity with Emerging Leaders) Program

rise.jpegThis 12-month diversity near-peer mentorship program connects underrepresented/allied residents from Radiology, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Med/Peds, and Anesthesia with UCSD Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) medical students to empower and support them throughout their preclinical and clinical transition and beyond.

UC San Diego Radiology Physician and Peer Resident Clinical Mentoring Program

This is a formal mentorship program in the UC San Diego Diagnostic Radiology Residency program. Upon starting radiology residency, each resident is matched with a senior resident mentor (big sib-little sib program) who facilitates residents’ transition to UC San Diego, and a faculty mentor who provides support and guidance throughout residency training. Additionally, residents and faculty are each others’ informal mentors throughout one’s time at UC San Diego and beyond.

UC San Diego Radiology Medical Career Day

In conjunction with the Intersectional Health Project and Chicanx for Community Medicine and UC San Diego School of Medicine, the Radiology Department as well as other health professions, medical residents, medical students, and college students, helped high school students explore careers in health in online interactive workshops.


Recruitment Efforts

Residents have the opportunity to be involved with recruitment locally and nationally.


UC San Diego PRIME Health Equity
This UC San Diego School of Medicine program works with students to identify communities at risk for health disparities and train and equip students to improve health equity for the identified communities.

UC San Diego Anti-Racism Coalition
The UCSD Anti-Racism Coalition was created in response to the high-profile lynchings of Black people across the country by U.S law enforcement. This coalition consists of health care professionals who are interested in naming and dismantling systems of racism to improve the health and well-being of all people.

ACR PIER (Pipeline Initiative for the Enrichment of Radiology) Internship
An ACR sponsored summer internship for first year medical student underrepresented minorities and women to provide an opportunity to "explore the radiology specialty and engage in research." Selected students will be paired with a mentor/preceptor in their areas of interest and provided a stipend. For more information, please refer to the above link.

Society of Interventional Radiology GEMS Program
The SIR GEMS program “provides medical students from diverse backgrounds with scholarships to fund visiting clerkship rotations in interventional radiology and attendance at the SIR Annual Scientific Meeting.”

UC San Diego Association of Native American Medical Students
This organization “represents Native American students and those interested in Native American health” and aims to support Native American students in completing their studies, provides a platform for exchange of ideas between Native American students and graduates, and helps to recruit Native American students into medicine and allied health professions.

National Organizations